Why Should You Not Skip Your Chemotherapy Cycles?
Chemotherapy is a type of medical treatment used to treat cancer by killing cancer cells or slowing their growth. It uses drugs specifically designed to target rapidly dividing cells
All About Lymphoma
Lymphoma is a serious illness. Fortunately, lymphoma treatments continue to improve, helping people to live longer.
Pre-Symptoms of Prostate Cancer
Moving on from being the eight most common cancer in males in the 90s the third rank by 2015, prostate cancer is increasingly becoming common among men particularly in metros.
What may cause prostate cancer and its common warning signs
Moving on from being common cancer in males in the 90s to the third rank by 2015, prostate cancer is increasingly becoming common among men, particularly in metros.
The Anti-Cancer Diet: Foods that Prevent Cancer
heads of garlic which is a food that can help prevent cancer. Research shows that garlic is a cancer-fighting food. Several large studies have found that those who eat more garlic are less likely to develop various kinds of cancer
इम्यूनोथेरेपी: कैंसर के खिलाफ एक नई आशा | डॉ. प्रतिक पाटील
इम्यूनोथेरेपी देने से पहले मरीजों के कई प्रकार के टेस्ट किए जाते हैं. इन टेस्ट की रिपोर्ट के आधार पर ही तय किया जाता है कि मरीज को थेरेपी दी जाएगी या नहीं.
What Is Stomach Cancer? Is it Curable?
Stomach cancer is also called gastric cancer. It forms when cells in any part of the stomach grow and divide abnormally.
Blood Cancer – types, Diagnosis and Treatment
In our body, millions of tiny blood cells are present that keep the body healthy by fighting against diseases and repairing our body. Every day, every second the body is developing new cells and destroying the old cells. But, when suddenly abnormal blood cells start developing and hindering the production […]
Breast Cancer – Early Detection, Types And Risk Factors
Breast cancer is the most common disease among women all over the India and world. Incidence rates vary widely across the world
Breast Cancer- Causes & Symptoms
Definition and Overview: Breast cancer is a term that refers to cancer that develops in tissues in the breast. Most people believe that breast cancer is exclusive to women, but there are some instances, although extremely rare, where male patients also develop this cancer. This type of cancer has various […]