- 16/05/2022
- Dr. Pratik Patil
- Blog
Breast Cancer- Causes & Symptoms
Definition and Overview:
Breast cancer is a term that refers to cancer that develops in tissues in the breast. Most people believe that breast cancer is exclusive to women, but there are some instances, although extremely rare, where male patients also develop this cancer.
This type of cancer has various stages starting from early detected and thus, curable cancer to a more serious metastatic breast cancer. More than 75% of breast cancer in female patients is often diagnosed when an individual detects a suspicious lump in one or both breasts. Metastatic breast cancer is the type that can spread out to different parts of the body such as the liver, brain, bones, and lungs.
Breast Cancer Causes :
The main cause of breast cancer is the development of cancerous cells in the breast tissues. But there are many factors that can develop the risk of individual developing cancer. These include advanced age and an unhealthy lifestyle.
Exposure to radiation and chemicals such as pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls, organic solvents, etc. has also been shown to heighten a patient’s risk of developing breast cancer.
Another risk factor is genetics. In a study, it was found that 5% of breast cancer cases are due to the mutation in the genes known as BRCA1 and BRCA2.
A woman with any age can be diagnosed with breast cancer. However, some statistics revealed that women between the ages of 60 and 69 are the most affected. A recent report published by National
Cancer Registry Programme (NCRP) estimates that the number of cancer cases is likely to increase from 13.9 lakh in 2020 to 15.7 lakh by 2025, an increase of nearly 20%.
Further research into the disease shows that medical conditions that involve changes in the breast, such as lobular carcinoma in situ and atypical ductal hyperplasia, also increase an individual’s risk of developing this disease.
Key Symptoms of Breast Cancer:
During the early stages, breast cancer symptoms are very less or even absent. Over time, however, the tumor develops and the patient starts observing signs and symptoms, including the following:
- Abnormal swelling or lumps in the armpit area or around the collarbone.
- Lumps in the breasts might appear before or during the menstrual period, but do not disappear as they usually do. These lumps are often not accompanied by breast pain, but in some cases, touching the lumps leads to a prickling feeling. More often than not, these lumps feel thicker than the rest of the tissues in the breasts. In some breast cancer patients, the lumps are already present (and can only be seen through a mammogram) even before they are felt or seen by the naked eye.
- The appearance of a dimple or indentation on the breast, usually means that the tumor is present but not easily seen or felt.
- Noticeable and persisting changes in the texture, size, temperature, and contour of the breasts.
- An orange peel-like texture of the breasts, known as peau d’orange, is a common indicator of inflammatory breast cancer. Other signs of breast cancer include nipple inversion, redness, unusual warmth, swelling, itching, and breast pain.
- One breast becomes significantly lower or larger than the other.
- Nipple discharge.
- Changes in the skin of the breast include eczema, discoloration, and flaking of the skin of the nipples.
- Increased sensitivity and tingling or burning sensations in the breast.
- Non-specific symptoms include weight loss, pain in the joints or bone, neurological problems, and jaundice.
Who to See?
If you suspect the presence of breast cancer, you should consult with one of the best cancer specialists in Pune. Dr. Pratik Patil. A breast cancer specialist, typically working in the oncology department, Dr. Pratik Patil is the best medical professional to diagnose and treat this condition.
Breast cancer specialists are not just medical doctors—aside from finishing the required amount of schooling and training in medicine, they also complete special training on cancer diagnosis and treatment.
How to book an Appointment?
Dr. Pratik Patil is the best Medical Oncologist in Pune with experience of more than 10 years.He has special interests in hormonal therapy treatment. For more information about cancer and treatment options, or to book an appointment with the best oncologist in pune call +91 9637439163 or Click on Book Appointment for online booking.